Monday, June 8, 2015

Benefits of Solar Energy

1. Solar energy is renewable. We never have to worry about running out of sunlight or using it all up. The sun is a consistent power source meaning it's always going to be there every day.

2. Solar energy is environmentally friendly. Compared to fossil fuels which release greenhouses gases, carcinogens and carbon dioxide, solar cells don't release anything into the air.

3. Solar panels are extremely reliable. There are no moving parts so you don't have to worry about replacing anything. In fact, most people generate electricity for 1000s of hours with little or no maintenance.

4. Solar cells make no noise while collecting energy. There are no other renewable energy sources that are completely silent.

5. In the long run, solar electricity is cheaper than buying it from the power company. There is a start up cost, but then it starts paying for itself. Once you break even, everything after that is profit. Compare this to paying a monthly bill and getting no return on investment.

6. There is a huge variety of solar panel systems available. Some can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and some cost just a couple hundred. This means anyone can get into solar, there's an entry point for just about everybody.

7. You're not required to connect to the power grid. You can be completely self-sufficient and live off-the-grid. Imagine never paying another monthly bill or hook-up charge.

8. Sell excess electricity. If you build a large enough solar panel system, you can make your electric meter spin backwards! Most power companies will gladly buy or credit you for this excess electricity. Contact your local power companies for more details.

9. Government tax credits. Most governments will provide some kind of tax credit or incentive for people purchasing solar energy systems. On average, rebates usually cover 20-30% of the system cost. Contact your local representatives for more details.

10. Solar technology is constantly improving. Solar installations are increasing by an incredible 50% every year, most of which are small homemade systems. Learn how to make your own solar panels and use the benefits of solar

Get more information from this website.

Advantages of Solar Panels

A solar panel is a device that is used to absorb energy from the sun in order 

to generate heat or in many cases electricity. It is also referred to as a 

photovoltaic cell since it is made of many cells that are used to convert the 

light from the sun into electricity. The only raw material for these solar 

panels is the sun. it is made in such a way that the cells face the sun in 

order to enable maximum absorption of the sun rays. The greater the energy 

from the sun is, the more the electricity that is generated. Solar panels are 

used in many homesteads in the world due to their many pros that are far more 

than cons. Some of these pros are discussed below.

A solar panel can be operated off grid. This is a great advantage for those 

who live in very isolated areas or in rural regions. Off grid means that the 

house is not connected to the state's electricity grid. This has the advantage 

of low cost since installation may be very expensive for those living in 

isolated areas. These individuals have their power lines disconnected in many 

instances due to the fact that it is sometimes less affordable for many. Solar 

panels offer a solution for this since they do not require as much to be 

installed. However, those living in towns can also use the off-grid technique. 

An added advantage in this is that there are no rules governing whether or not 

one wants to operate off- grid or on-grid when it comes to use of solar 

panels. This however is an issue when using fossil fuel generated electricity.

There is also less environmental destruction with the use of a solar panel. 

This is because there are no cases of mining or extraction of raw materials 

that eventually lead to destruction of forests and water catchment areas. With 

the use of solar panels, there is less of this and therefore there are steady 

rainfalls that greatly boost production and consequently the national income 

of each and every country. Many countries face problems of famine due to 

destruction of forests to get fuel. This can be prevented by using solar 


All these are great advantages that come with using solar panels. Solar panels 

can be used in any setting, whether in schools, homes or companie

For those who are living in Brisbane, Gold Coast you can contact Green 

Incentives QLD about the installation fee and solar system products, please 

visit their website for more information.